
The Critical Theory Reading Group is run by postgraduate research students in the University of Sheffield’s Information School.

We generally meet from 11am – 12noon on the last Wednesday of every month in the Information School to discuss a text applying a critical theory perspective to an issue in library and information studies.

Previously our discussions have touched on a range of topics, including democracy and the public sphere, race, critical information literacy, disability, classification, indigenous knowledges, scholarly communication and public libraries. If you’re interested in seeing what we’ve read in the past, you can find a list here.

You can find details of our next meeting on the blog, and (usually) a link to an open access copy of the text we will be discussing.

Everybody welcome. Please contact Emily (ebnunn1@sheffield.ac.uk) or Dan (dpgrace1@sheffield.ac.uk) if you have any questions.


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